Short Description:

Integrated circuits or microcircuits, microchips, and chips in electronics are a way to miniaturize circuits (mainly semiconductor devices, but also passive components, etc.) and are usually fabricate

Product Details

Integrated circuits or microcircuits, microchips, and chips in electronics are a way to miniaturize circuits (mainly semiconductor devices, but also passive components, etc.) and are usually fabricated on the surface of semiconductor wafers.

The aforementioned integrated circuits that are manufactured on the surface of semiconductor wafers are also called thin-film integrated circuits. Another type of thick-film hybrid integrated circuit is a miniaturized circuit composed of a stand-alone semiconductor device and passive components, integrated into a substrate or circuit board.

This article is about monolithic integrated circuits, i.e., thin-film integrated circuits.

Integrated circuits have the advantages of small size, light weight, few lead wires and solder points, long life, high reliability and good performance, as well as low cost and easy mass production. It is not only widely used in industrial and civilian electronic equipment such as recorders, televisions, computers, etc., but also in the military, communications, remote control, etc. Using integrated circuits to assemble electronic equipment, its assembly density can be increased by tens to thousands of times than transistors, and the stable working time of the equipment can be greatly improved.

Integrated circuits or microcircuits, microchips, and chips in electronics are a way to miniaturize circuits (mainly semiconductor devices, but also passive components, etc.) and are usually fabricated on the surface of semiconductor wafers.

The aforementioned integrated circuits that are manufactured on the surface of semiconductor wafers are also called thin-film integrated circuits. Another type of thick-film hybrid integrated circuit is a miniaturized circuit composed of a stand-alone semiconductor device and passive components, integrated into a substrate or circuit board.

This article is about monolithic integrated circuits, i.e., thin-film integrated circuits.

Integrated circuits have the advantages of small size, light weight, few lead wires and solder points, long life, high reliability and good performance, as well as low cost and easy mass production. It is not only widely used in industrial and civilian electronic equipment such as recorders, televisions, computers, etc., but also in the military, communications, remote control, etc. Using integrated circuits to assemble electronic equipment, its assembly density can be increased by tens to thousands of times than transistors, and the stable working time of the equipment can be greatly improved.

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