A microchip is a wrapped piece of computer circuitry (generally called an integrated circuit) that is made from a raw material such as silicon in a very small volume. Microchips are used for program logic (logic or microprocessor chip) and computer storage (memory or storable storage). Microchips are also used to include both logic and storage, and may be used for special purposes such as analog-to-digital conversion, bit slices, and gateways.
A microchip is a wrapped piece of computer circuitry (generally called an integrated circuit) that is made from a raw material such as silicon in a very small volume. Microchips are used for program logic (logic or microprocessor chip) and computer storage (memory or storable storage). Microchips are also used to include both logic and storage, and may be used for special purposes such as analog-to-digital conversion, bit slices, and gateways.